There is a pop-up window that tells you your vehicle is not subject to the latest update.
If you see a pop-up saying your vehicle is not subject to the latest update while using the Navigation Updater, it is the message you may get when you first update the program after purchasing your car. You can just click the confirm button and directly select an appropriate vehicle type for your car in the program for the update.
If you click the confirm button and find that it only leads to the termination of the program, it is due to a mismatch between the SW version saved in the program and the one in the SD card. Thus, format the SD card manually, and directly select your vehicle in the program and carry out the update. Please refer to the details below and try again.
If you continue to experience the same issue, please contact our website Q&A.
How to fix
How to manually format USB
Double click ‘Computer (or My Computer, My PC)’ on the desktop
Click the right button on the mount over the recognized removable disk drive > Click [Format] in the menu
Select [FAT32] under File System and [32KB] for allocation unit size > put a checkmark in [Fast Format] before tapping [Start]
When a warning window pops up, [Confirm] > Format Completion message [Confirm] > Format window [Close]
Open Navigation Updater >Select the applicable Vehicle then conduct Update
※ Distinction between vehicles applicable for FAT32 and exFAT Formats